Sunday, March 27, 2005


beginnings: I am a newbie to blogs. This is an experiment of sorts to see how open I can be with my personal thoughts and feelings. I need to explore this art form and learn the basics of the program. Standard templates are my mantra for the time being. So here it begins . . .

am: I awoke at 5:00 am today having gone to bed at 9:00 last night. A bit of a restless sleep with dreams of working in a studio in a villa with like minded people. I recently got back from a long weekend in California where I visited the Art Center in Pasadena. Everyone was working on creative projects learning the design arts. The students looked as if they had a purpose and a dream - I was more interested in the buildings as I am an architect. The older campus is a low, modern, slab building with an exposed steel frame. It is dramatic in it's setting as you have to pass under the building to enter the campus. It is the symbol of the campus and the entrance gate. It made me research the architect of the structure which was Craig Ellwood. Later I bought a book on sale at Hennesey and Ingalls titled California Modern: The Architecture of Craig Ellwood with a picture of a great 60's beach house on the cover. Reading the book on the plane back home made me realize that I have not appreaciated the minimal buildings created in the 50's and 60's. I like the simplicity of the designs.

I have always been drawn to simple design and uncluttered spaces, though my own studio is filled with books and objects. I'll post some visuals when I learn how and I'll need to plan a time to write to this journal.

more musings: I'm going to post some of my private reality here. The link is called fluxuswork, not my first choice but a considered choice. Fluxus as I understand it was an art movement begun in the 60's. One premise was it's infatuation with daily life and the Art in the ordinary. I'm drawn to the everyday and the beauty in the ordinary so some postings may seem random and out of place but they will have meaning to me.

film: Also on my mind is an Eric Rohmer film called La Collectionneuse which I just finished watching....another early morning pleasure after sleepless nights.....languid, slow, and pleasurable. Art| Sexual Frustrations|Life......later