Tuesday, April 26, 2005


m is a good friend. It seems we're able to relax together with mutual respect and minimal judgement. I feel good when we're together and we can talk theoretically and see the world with similar eyes. a good friend to have in such an obtuse world...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

nakashima apartment block

unbuilt project - 10 units
one of my favorite designs - i'd still like to get it built

apartment block Posted by Hello

sketch journal

i kept a sketch journal in school and I’l like to start it up again. Hre is a recent sketch.

pencil barbie

barbie sketch Posted by Hello


thinking alot about digital vs film. i have a nice 4 megapixel canon sd-10 that is light and quick and i use it all the time. complaints are blurry pics and slow shutter. i used my nikon for two decades and was very happy with the quality and clarity of the pictures i've taken....so i'm returning to film for a while taking both digital - so i can have instant use if i need it and film for the quality ... looking into a leica mp as a new film camera

off the map

a paperback about two punk anachist women traveling in europe who have discarded their map and are exploring the european squat scene. Written as a zine and re-combined into a paperback by kika kat and hib chickena who are apparently from olympia, washington .... a nice read

Sunday, April 17, 2005

girl on green background

A quick simple sketch scanned into photoshop and colored. Something I havn't done in a while.
girl 01 Posted by Hello


rs - thanks for the information on mapping - i've got a small mapping project going on at lunch perhaps i'll post my findings/routes someday - if you like Maps I can recommend You are There by Katharine Harmon isbn 1568984308 (princeton architectural press PAP) - I like the dream mapping exercise by Susan Hiller.......

roundglasses Posted by Hello


Mishima: a life in four chapters – I just finished watching this film by Richard Schrader and it is excellent - it is the story of Mishima Yukio a Japanese writer and right wing activist that committed suicide “seppuku” in 1970 in a very public manner. Mishima longed for an imperial Japan and extolled its samurai traditions and ideals of beauty, honor, and nationalism. The film was made in Japan but never released there for political reasons. It is in Japanese with English subtitles and acted by traditional Japanese actors. Partially funded by Japanese investors who later denied any monetary support for the film and Warner Brothers (via Francis ford Coppola and George Lucas). The film is constructed in four parts that chronicle Mishima’s last day and is overlaid with three “stage-like” adaptations of his stories – Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kyoko’s House and Runaway Horses. With production design by Eiko Ishioka and a score by Philip Glass the film is a brilliant work of art - watch it again with Paul Schrader’s insightful commentary.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


This is a test run to see how posting a picture works. It seem like I need to post the picture first, then add the comments. Anyway this is a birdhouse created years ago and sold at an auction.

birdhaus Posted by Hello

imagepost 01

with apologies to ray johnson Posted by Hello


ray johnson
Watched a film on ray johnson (artist) recently. I had never heard of him but the documentary type film was very enlightning. He used collage within the art world corresponding with other artists - inventing "mail art" and seemingly not intrested in fame although obsessed with celeberty. He seems a lifelong child. Some self made films exist and are used in the documentary. His art appeals to me. His artwork has been labeled "intermedia" as he added performances to his art which defied categorization. With apologies to ray I have modified one of his bunnies:

Monday, April 04, 2005


Many thoughts and a busy week....have not found time or made time to post....reading john berger's Shape of A Pocket and thinking about finnish photographer pentti sammallahti and a collaboration he made with kari holopainen....beautiful simplicity.

“The objectivity of the photograph is a fine thing, even though it may only be apparent. You have a chance to deal with reality which does not always correspond to your own wishes and expectations. You have an opportunity to deal with chance.”

– Pentti Sammallahti –

I have been keeping some sort of journal / sketchbook since college. They have taken all sorts of sizes. I currently have a moleskine pocket journal with about 64 pages. It is perfect as a paper memory along with my digital camera which sometimes has dead batteries.

Onward to meet the day.